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Sponsorship update: Welcome aboard Shameless Plug Media

The sponsorship drive is progressing embarrassingly slowly, truly tortoise-like, to be honest. Well, more like a one-legged tortoise.  But there are some shining stars out there who have dug deep and helped out.  Props to Gabe Choquette, Gabriel Martin-Meilleur, Steve Sloan, Grant Moore, Rich Duhaney, and Hilary Moses for their contributions.  You guys are the balls.

A big salute to Shameless Plug Media, our newest corporate sponsor.  The logo is up on the page, so take a second and go see what they do.  That’s how we give back.

We’ve got another company coming aboard, but I’ll yap about them when they send me their artwork.

Cheers folks!  And a super-big thank you to everybody mentioned above.


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