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aw shucks

300px-BashfulI received this message about a week ago on Facebook.

I have to thank you. Because of your constant updates, i have been able to get internships, jobs and to get to know people in the industry. I can’t thank you enough, Michael.

That’s awesome.

I operate this site in a bit of a bubble. I know how many people read it, and I occasionally get a shot in the arm from a friend. I can count on one or two individuals to comment once in a while as well. But every now and again, I get a message like the one above, and I have to say, it makes my day. Because there are days I don’t want to do this, but I actually believe this site is necessary. We don’t have anywhere else to go in Canada for information on our industry and community, which was the reason I started this page, and before it, the Canadian Animators Facebook group.

I don’t make any money doing this. It’s a glorified hobby that takes up almost as much time as a day job. And I’m not doing it for thank yous. They’re nice, and I wouldn’t discourage them. But I do it because I really love this business and this art. It may sound kind of hokey, and I’m going to lose my pessimist’s membership card, but I think doing this makes a difference. And every once in a while, I get a message that says so. So thank YOU. Whoever’s reading this right now. I hope you find it useful and that you keep coming back. I’ll do my best to keep the content relevant and useful, and bear with me when it isn’t. I’m just one guy and I’m doing my best.




  1. Daniel Daniel November 23, 2009

    I also really appreciate your effort. Initially I signed up to this newsletter for job information, but now enjoy reading all the links and content and keeping up to date on the industry in Canada. If you are feeling overwhelmed maybe you can find some volunteers to help you aggregate information.

  2. Mike Valiquette Mike Valiquette Post author | November 23, 2009

    I should mention the folks who have contributed though. Mark Capello in particular has provided some great content on here, and my Ottawa Festival coverage was great, provided by Justin Murphy. I do get some help with tips and such as well, so by no means do I want to paint negative picture. I love doing this and it’s been really well-received. So more and more thanks to everybody out there.

  3. Mark C. Mark C. November 23, 2009

    I’ve heard from a number of people who are really thankful for what you’re doing, and we all agree that this resource is invaluable. Thanks for keeping it rolling.

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