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from the internets: Wacom Inkling Pen (updated)

The internets is practically screaming today over Wacom’s new digital sketch pen, the Inkling.  It looks pretty cool.  Basically, you draw with it like a regular pen, on regular paper.  While you’re drawing, it “captures a digital likeness of your work” which you then transfer to the “Sketch Manager” software and you can then export your sketches, with layers, directly as vector or bitmap graphics.

Here’s the video that has dominated today’s Facebook posts.

You can see the product here.

Reaction has been a mix of excitement and hesitation.  This could be a fantastic tool.  It would certainly make my life easier.  I still prefer to draw on paper, and for me, depending on how it handles, this could replace inking.

The question then is, how much do ink refills cost?

I’d love to hear what you readers think.


UPDATE: Gizmodo has some nice things to say about it, but it doesn’t sound like the writer has actually used one.  The specs sound good, but until someone tries one of these things out, we just won’t know for sure.

One Comment

  1. Jen Jen September 19, 2011

    I read that it uses standard pen refills – the kind you can get anywhere. I was worried about that too. 🙂

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