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events: Pencils, Pixels and Puppets, a Sheridan Animation Showcase

Amidst all the Gradshows and Industry Days that happen at this time of year, Sheridan has decided to throw a “Best Of” event!

Chris Wash teaches at Sheridan (we posted a link to an interview he did with Kyle Mowat a day or so ago), and has c0-undertaken the task of c0–sorting through the 500 or so films from the past five years and co-curate a program that you can enjoy on May 8th, at the TIFF Bell Lightbox Theatre.(he’s the co-programmer)

Sheridan has long been seen as the top school in Canada, and the overall quality of the grad films produced are of a very high standard.  We’ve showcased more than a few of them here on CAR.  I’d go just to see Kevin Parry’s Arctic Circle on the big screen.

Here’s the link.

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