Last updated on December 1, 2020

Hi everybody.
I hope you’re all managing ok right now. It’s crazy. Unprecedented. I’ve never lived through anything like it, and I’m old as rocks.
Studios have shifted to remote working models, we’re mostly all working from home now, joining the leagues of our colleagues who’ve been living the freelance life for years. There have been some bumps, but it looks like most of us are all pretty intact. Now we just have to survive it. For most of us, that’s going to be about just keeping our sanity. So what do we do?
We work.
We videoconference with our pals.
We try to get a little exercise.
We play a LOT of video games.
But most of all, WE STAY INSIDE.
I feel badly. The site is not as active as it has been in the past. I’m mostly sharing stuff on Twitter and Facebook these days. In the past, in lesser times of crisis, we’ve played a role in helping manage turbulence. We haven’t been there the same way lately. Thankfully, community perseveres. Again, mainly on Twitter and Facebook. I’ll try harder though. Graduation season is pretty much upon us, and a whole cohort of newbies are nervous right now because their grad shows have been canceled and the traditional hiring routes are in chaos. TAAFI had to cancel the job fair. Sheridan had to cancel Industry Day.
I’ll do my best to share things here. Links to grad classes, films, whatever I can do.
It’s weird and scary, but our industry is doing better than most. Live action production is shut down. We’re still moving. I’m grateful for that.
So spread the word, send me links to wherever your graduating class is posting their work. Remind your employers that our job board is here to share listings. Send me stuff to share.
I’ll do my best.
And please, stay at home. Be kind to each other. Be kind to yourselves.
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